

2011-9-19 15:59| 发布者:g562211| 查看:2148| 评论:0|原作者: 鲍昆|来自: 鲍昆博客

摘要:乡村·乡亲 在急进的现代化浪潮中,以农耕生产方式创造了人类历史的华夏文化,正在被资本主义创造的机器、电子,以及数码技术肢解和替换。华夏文化的滥觞之地黄河流域也概莫能外。在这块土地上的主体——农民,千百年 ...






Hometown and hometown folks

In the torrent of modernization, the Chinese culture, originating from the farming mode of production, has been subjected to an unprecedented dismantlement and displacement under the machinery, electronics and digital technology originating from the world of capitalism. The Yellow River reaches, cradle of Chinese culture, are no exceptions.  Farmers, the mainstay of this land, have survived and thrived for thousands of years on the yellow earth below their feet that also nurtured their unique cultural identity. They are dutiful, diligent, content with a small wealth, and sometimes timid, fearful or cunning.  They have their own view of joy and happiness, and the bitterness and sorrow only they could comprehend.  Their life is a story repeated for generation after generation, blessed by the yellow earth below their feet and unaltered by even the fiercest battle blades and swords from the north time and again.  Yet that solid ground has begun to crumble, and stability is no more, because this time, the power of change is too strong.  This power marks a new era, in which the route to survival and prosperity has fundamentally changed, and along this route all will change within the foreseeable future, where as all that derived from the yellow earth, the facial expressions, the clothing and culture of joy and sorrow, will soon be stories of yesterday.   


Li Kejun, a photographer from Kaifeng of Henan Province, uses the naiveté and humor of traditional Chinese New Year print style in his photography to pay tribute to the land and culture that once nurtured him. His characters all come with a “big head” typical of Chinese folk art, reminiscent of the images in ancestral history.  In their facial expressions, Li Kejun chose joy over sorrow, bringing forth in his art the Chinese farmers content with their lot, and turning history into a story if humanity.

Bao Kun






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