

2016-4-6 16:21| 发布者:摄影小小| 查看:2933| 评论:0|来自: 美国国家地理

摘要:美国《国家地理》杂志本年度摄影大赛已鸣锣开鼓,参赛作品投稿的截止日期为2014年10月31日。大奖获得者将获得1万美元的奖金,并接受邀请来杂志总部参加一年一度的摄影研讨会。《国家地理》的热心人再次允本人在收到 ...


1. 土耳其卡赫拉曼马拉什的锥头螳螂,羽叶虫霉科。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/  Mehmet Karaca

Empusa pennata, a conehead mantis, in Kahramanmaras, Turkey. (? Mehmet Karaca/National Geographic Photo Contest)


Hand tube fireworks, traditional fireworks in Japan. Gion Matsuri Festival of Yoshida-jinja Shrine, held in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. (? Hidenobu Suzuki/National Geographic Photo Contest)

3.在佛罗里达Seminole我的家附近,有一群捕鱼的鸬鹚。我长时间地慢慢靠近,它们对我的存在已经没有任何戒备,即使我在一旁,它们背朝着我也感到十分放心。在这张照片中,我用了一只窄幅DOF放大观景人的眼睛,聚焦在这只鸟迷人的眼睛上。出现的自然背景让我感到惊异,跟在摄影室中拍摄一样,光与鸟的色体非常协调。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/  Sandy Scott

There is a group of cormorants that fish close to my house in Seminole, Florida, and over time I have slowly approached them until they totally trust my presence and feel comfortable turning their backs on me when I am in close proximity. In this shot, I used a narrow DOF to hone the viewer's eyes in on the mesmerizing eyes of the bird. I was astounded that the natural backdrop came out as if it was shot in a studio and so matched the coloration of the bird. (? Sandy Scott/National Geographic Photo Contest

4.从冰川点(Glacier Point)观看优诗美地国家公园。这张照片拍摄于凌晨3点,曝光时间一分钟,表现的是半穹顶以及在背后山谷里肆虐的大火。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/Judge Helbig

Yosemite National Park, seen from Glacier Point. This was taken at 3am with a 1 minute exposure showing Half Dome and the fire that was raging in the valley behind it. (? Judge Helbig/National Geographic Photo Contest)

5.日本京都老街上近观艺妓之美。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/Sian Bullough

A glimpse at the beauty of a Geisha in the historical streets of Kyoto. (? Sian Bullough/National Geographic Photo Contest)

6.美国北卡罗来纳州布雷瓦德的蓝鬼萤火虫。这种萤火虫的独特在于他们一直发光,在离地面大约一英尺的空中飞舞。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/Spencer Black

Blue Ghost Fireflies in Brevard, North Carolina. Blue Ghost fireflies are unique because they stay lit and only hover about a foot off the ground. (? Spencer Black/National Geographic Photo Contest)

7.兴奋无比的北极小熊在斯瓦尔巴德群岛上浮冰。母熊只想安安静静地行走,而小熊们则完全不同。这是一只小公熊,它看上去十分逗乐。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/Colin Mackenzie

One of two polar bear cubs full of adrenaline on ice floes in Svalbard. The mother was just trying to have a quiet stroll but the cubs were not having any of that. This was the male cub and he just was so entertaining to watch. (? Colin Mackenzie/National Geographic Photo Contest)

8.色彩鲜明的火山前,开过一辆红色的卡车,可谓画龙点睛。土耳其安卡拉的Nallihan(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/Mehmet Gokyigit/》)

A volcanic mountain with truly spectacular colors, together with a red truck, adding a finishing touch to the photo. Nallihan, Ankara, Turkey. (? Mehmet Gokyigit/National Geographic Photo Contest)

9.“我从来没有想过会失去母亲。尽管我知道她会离我们而去,但我没有任何心理准备。毕竟,母亲是带我进入这个世界的人,在她的身上分出了我,我便有了生命。走在这个世界上,没有母亲就好像没有了天地一样使人难以想象。”——梅根·欧洛克。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Sanja Burns/

"Nothing prepared me for the loss of my mother. Even knowing that she would die did not prepare me. A mother, after all is your entry into the world. She is the shell in which you divide and become life. Waking up in a world without her is like waking up in the world with out the sky: unimaginable" - Meghan O'Rourke. (? Sanja Burns/National Geographic Photo Contest)

10.在墨西哥瓜达卢佩岛的海上,大白鲨聚集一起吞噬海狮。这是在自然环境下观察这些雄伟动物的理想场所。与好莱坞电影中看到的完全不同,这些大白鲨一直怕人,很不容易接近(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Marc Henauer

Off the coast of Guadalupe Island, Mexico, great white sharks gather to feed on sea lions. It is an ideal place to observe these majestic animals in their natural state. Far from what is seen in Hollywood movies, the great white shark remains fearful of man and is not easily approached. (? Marc Henauer/National Geographic Photo Contest)

11.秋叶在晨光下闪烁。日本青森县的沼泽地。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Sho Shibata

Tsuta-swamp in Aomori, Japan. The autumn leaves blazing in the morning sun. (? Sho Shibata/National Geographic Photo Contest)

12.巴西安那波利斯的新娘照。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Daniel Bajusz/

Portrait of a bride in Anapolis, Brazil. (? Daniel Bajusz/National Geographic Photo Contest

13.这张照片是在茨城县日立海滨公园拍摄的。这些花是喜林草属植物,公园里约有450万枝。我真希望明年再去那片蓝色的世界拍摄照片。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Hiroki Kondo

I took this picture at Hitachi Seaside Park in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. The flowers are nemophila and the number of them in the park is 4.5 million. I wish to go into the blue universe again next year to photograph. (? Hiroki Kondo/National Geographic Photo Contest)

14.冰岛霍鲁赫朗(Holuhraun)的巴尔达邦加(Bardarbunga)。我和父亲一起飞越巴尔达邦加去体验这次从地球内部的喷发,场面动人心魄。这种力量、热量和美势不可挡。站在自然之中,有多少次我们会感到自己多么渺小——这就是一次,尽管我不是站立而是坐在父亲的飞机里。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Ragnheidur Arngrimsdottir

Bardarbunga, Holuhraun, Iceland. Flying with my father over Bardarbunga to experience this eruption from inside of our earth was amazing. The power, heat and beauty was overwhelming. On many occasions you feel how small you are when standing in the nature - this was one of those times, although I was not standing but sitting in my fathers plane. (? Ragnheidur Arngrimsdottir/National Geographic Photo Contest)

15.摄于南非。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Cathrin Schulz

A portrait made in South Africa. (? Cathrin Schulz/National Geographic Photo Contest)

16.在巴勒斯坦加沙地带的Deir Al-Balah27岁的伊斯兰旅战士阿卜杜拉·伊斯梅尔·阿尔·布黑赛的丧礼正在进行,妇女们站在布黑赛捷的楼梯上哀悼。加沙的穆斯林妇女是不允许参加葬礼的,她们聚集在这座公寓的楼梯上,向被杀的家庭一员做最后告别。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Sergey Ponomarev

Women grieve as they stand on the stairs of the house during funerals of Islamic Brigades fighter Abdalla Ismail al Buheisi, 27, in Deir Al Balah, Gaza Strip. Muslim women in Gaza are not allowed to attend funerals and they were gathering on the stairs of the apartment building to pay the last tribute to the killed family member. (? Sergey Ponomarev/National Geographic Photo Contest)

17塞浦路斯尼科西亚,地中海螳螂打开翅膀,阳光下它留下动人的印象。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Hasan Baglar/

When the Mediterranean Mantis opened its wings, It seemed very impressive in the sunshine. Nicosia, Cyprus. (? Hasan Baglar/National Geographic Photo Contest)

18.在奥地利阿尔卑斯山徒步旅行时,我照下这张照片。我从一个山谷走过,看见远方的烈日下一群麋鹿在一个水库里冲凉。我保持距离,耐心等待,观察一只麋鹿在与午后的烈日抗争。这只麋鹿猛摔身上多余的水时,我抓拍了它的照片。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Winston Hintze

I took this photograph while hiking in the Austrian Alps. When I passed through a valley I spotted a herd of deer in the distance cooling of in a water reservoir from the scorching summer sun. I kept my distance and waited patiently for one of the deer to battle the afternoon sun. I was able to capture this deer just as it was shaking off the excess water. (? Winston Hintze/National Geographic Photo Contest

19. 30岁的霍姆,受雇于柬埔寨金边的“鬼屋梦境”。这家鬼屋雇佣矮子打扮起来恐吓观众。这是一个迷信的国度,小鬼们懂得如何玩弄扮相的模棱两可,残疾倒成了表演上的资本。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Arfeuil Emilie

Horm, 30 years old, employed by the Ghost House DREAMLAND in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dwarves are hired to dress up and frighten audiences in the Ghost House. In this country of superstitions, the little ghosts know how to play with the ambiguity of their appearance, a disability that becomes an asset for their performance. (? Arfeuil Emilie/National Geographic Photo Contest)

20今年夏天我们在爱琴海西南航行,海豚每天在我们周围游泳。大海非常平静,这些美妙的哺乳动物就好像在空中跳舞。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Giannis ploumis

This summer, dolphins were swimming every day around us, while we were sailing in SW Aegean Sea. The sea was very calm and these fantastic mammals were like dancing in the sky! (? Giannis Ploumis/National Geographic Photo Contest)

21这张照片是我在印度尼西亚西加里曼丹抓拍的。这种非常特殊的狐猴物种可以在空中滑翔。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Hendy MP

This photo I captured in the early afternoon in Sambas, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. This particular species of lemur can glide through the air. (? Hendy Mp/National Geographic Photo Contest

22.坦桑尼亚的马拉河上,角马纵身一跳。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Nicole Cambre

Jump of the wildebeest at the Mara river in Tanzania. (? Nicole Cambre/National Geographic Photo Contest)

23.在最近一次公路旅行中,我有幸看到这种美丽的景色。在俄勒冈胡德国家森林公园,有许多野营者却没有摄影师。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Kenji Yamamura

I was able to see this beautiful scenery during a recent road trip. There were many campers but no photographers at this location in Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon. (? Kenji Yamamura/National Geographic Photo Contest)

24.在澳大利亚莫利日落国家公园的维多利亚小桉树区,一位西部灰色袋鼠在盐湖上跳跃。这是一个特别神奇的时刻,它给人留下袋鼠在水上行走的神奇印象。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Christian Spencer

In the salt lakes of the Mallee Region of Victoria in Murray Sunset National Park in Australia, a western grey kangaroo hops across a salt lake. It was a magical moment and gave the impression of the kangaroo magically walking on water. (? Christian Spencer/National Geographic Photo Contest

25.6岁的埃琳娜·诺勒用数小时的时间徒步穿越美国安克雷奇以北的Matanuska冰川。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Rebecca Neuffer

Six year old Elena Noelle treks across the Matanuska Glacier a couple hours north of Anchorage. (? Rebecca Neuffer/National Geographic Photo Contest

26虽然蓝瓶僧帽水母(bluebottle cnidaria)的叮咬具有潜在的危险性,但这种动物却具有惊人的美丽。我想用精心设计的灯光和构图表现这种美丽。强劲的东北风将成百上千这种水母吹进我们家乡周围的海湾,它们彻夜被困在那里,于是我有了拍摄的机会。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Matthew Smith

Despite their potentially dangerous sting, the bluebottle cnidaria is an amazingly beautiful creature. I wanted to demonstrate this with careful lighting and composition. After strong NE winds hundreds of these cnidaria are blown into the bays around my home town and trapped overnight, enabling me to get my shots. Shellharbour, NSW, Australia. (? Matthew Smith/National Geographic Photo Contest

27匈牙利的Szigetmonostor。可怜的田鼠生命的最后一刻。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Istvan Szori

Szigetmonostor, Hungary. The last minutes of this poor vole. (? Istvan Szori/National Geographic Photo Contest)                  

28.昨天夜里我几乎一眼未眨,观察北极之王的行动惊心动魄。终于,在加拿大丘吉尔以外,我看见了这只完全成年的公北极熊,估计体重有400千克。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Kiat Choon Teo

I barely slept a wink last night but watching the King of Arctic action was breathtaking. I spotted this full grown adult male polar bear, estimating about 400 kg, outside Churchill, Canada. (? Kiat Choon Teo/National Geographic Photo Contest)、

29.克里斯汀·M·哈莫克的表情显示她在生火技术上取得了成功,这是一种协助野外生存的技术。作为培养正式宇航员内容广泛的培训计划的首期活动,8位新的后选学员要在野外呆三天,参加陆地生存训练,地点在缅因州的兰奇利(Rangeley)。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Lauren Harnett

The countenance of Christina M. Hammock signals her success at fire-starting, a technique that will help sustain her in the wilderness. As the first phase of their extensive training program along the way to become full-fledged astronauts, eight new candidates spent three days in the wild participating in their land survival training, near Rangeley, Maine. (? Lauren Harnett/National Geographic Photo Contest)

30.与一只绿鬣蜥在水下不期而遇。当时我在荷属加勒比海的博内尔岛一个半淹没的洞里,正准备拍摄水上水下落日的景象,突然一只绿鬣蜥游到我的地方,它十分好奇。就在我照相机镜前,它浮出水面,做快速呼吸。(美国《国家地理》杂志摄影大赛/ Lorenzo Mittiga),




