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2021-12-14 16:33| 发布者:cphoto| 查看:7594| 评论:0|来自: 珠海外事局

摘要:“Friendship Around the World” Zhuhai Painting Competition

“Friendship Around the World” Zhuhai Painting Competition


"Friendship Around the World” Zhuhai Painting Competition is a brand event founded by Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office to enhance the exchanges and nurture the friendship between the young from Zhuhai and its international friendship cities and friendly exchange cities, which provides a cultural and artistic exchange platform for young people home and abroad to transcend the geographical boundaries and language barriers with their paintbrushes. 


With the theme of New life we are looking forward to after the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021Zhuhai Painting Competition has received great support and active response from Zhuhai’s international friends. Teenagers from Suwon (ROK), Gold Coast (Australia), Atlántida (Uruguay), Surakarta (Indonesia), Esparza (Costa Rica), Passi (the Philippines), Blagoveshchensk (Russia), Gisborne (New Zealand), Heihe (PRC) and Zhuhai (PRC) submitted over 500 artworks. The young visualize the new life they are looking forward to after the Covid-19 pandemic via their eye-catching artworks which are painted with various tools and in diverse genres. 


After a preliminary selection, a re-selection, recommendation and final selection of the artworks, 28 pieces are awarded excellent works and 503 pieces selected as entries by the panel of judges, which are composed of representatives from 10 cities. To Present the beautiful artistic talent of the young people to more audience, we host an on-line exhibition of the above artworks. Let’s enjoy!

优秀作品名单 Award List

优秀作品欣赏Award Images

魅力珠海-欢乐行(Happy Zhuhai Tour)  张晓敏  Zhuhai , China

庆团圆 (Celebrating Reunion)  余慕烯  Zhuhai , China

宅家抗疫(Family Time in Pandemic)  周子茜  Zhuhai , China

꽃밭에서(In the flower garden)  강세연  Suwon , ROK

바닷가에서(At the Beach)  김서현  Suwon , ROK

일상-시장풍경(Daily Routine- Market Scenery)  천은선  Suwon , ROK

Food for the Soul(灵魂的食物)  Vincent Churches Gold Coast , Australia

Life after Covid(疫情过后的生活)  Taylin Fourie  Gold Coast , Australia

The Possibilities(可能性)  Lola Rancie  Gold Coast , Australia

Burbujas de sentimientos(Bubbles after Masks)  Marcia Rodriguez  Atlantida , Uruguay

Eltúnel del futuro(The Tunnel to the Future)  Indira Amorín  Atlantida , Uruguay

Explosión(爆炸)  Morena Banchero Yaco  Atlantida , Uruguay

Bersatu lawan Covid Agar kita terhindar dari sakit(团结抗疫)  Bayu aji saputra  Surakarta , Indonesia

Pandemic has passed, school is peacefull again(疫情过后重归宁静的校园) Dinda Berlian Tesalonika Nuraini  Surakarta , Indonesia

Hope after The Pandemic(疫情后愿景)  Fransisca Angelia Cinta  Surakarta , Indonesia

El futuro después de la pandemia(The Future after the Pandemic)  Samuel David Solano Alvarado  Esparza , Costa Rica

La vida después del COVID(Life after Covid)  Valentina Alvarado Vargas  Esparza , Costa Rica

The Return of Happiness(欢乐的回归)  Donovan Jose Granados Fernandez  Esparza , Costa Rica

Covid Free (疫情走啦)  ALEA FAYE CUBAR  Passi , the Philippines

Enigmatic Uephoria (神秘乐园)  CHYNNA P. PACLIBAR  Passi , the Philippines

Healed(治愈)  JUSTIN REY ASENCI  Passi , the Philippines

Children's Happiness(孩子的幸福)  Guzeva Svetlana  Blagoveshchensk , Russia

Friendship Swim(游泳友谊赛)  Stepanenko Veronika  Blagoveshchensk , Russia

Rooftop Morning(屋顶的早晨)  Yashkova Ekaterina  Blagoveshchensk , Russia

Bottles(瓶子)Azra Dindar、Krewzhynu Morrell  Gisborne , New Zealand

和朋友一起骑自行车(Cycling with Friends)  王硕勋  Heihe , China

我爱我的家(I Love My Home)  刘欣蕾  Heihe , China

展望美好未来(Looking forward to a Bright Future)  吴雨菲  Heihe , China

中国 珠海故事
珠海市人民对外友好协会  中国摄影在线





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