
保罗·博克 Paul-BOCK(美国)

2022-7-22 10:41| 发布者: cphoto| 查看: 973| 评论: 0

保罗·博克 Paul -BOCK(美国)

My name is Paul Bock. I have a degree in engineering and one in fine art photography; I balance my time between engineering consulting, photography and writing. My latest book, coauthored with my college friend Vichentie Maniov, "The Challenge and Power of Uncertainty" is now available on amazon.com. I am fascinated with the native American Indian art and the petroglyphs they created many centuries ago. Arches National Park in Utah is a rich depository of such petroglyphs, and recently I visited it, to create an homage to those unknown artists who had left for us certain messages carved in the stone walls of canyons.
As I flew from Denver to Moab, Utah, by commercial airliner, I was fortunate to experience perfect weather and beautiful light, which inspired me to take photos from above.
I selected for this collection some of the aerial photographs and some of the petroglyphs,to serve as a small sample of the beauty of the Rocky Mountains and the artistry of the Fremont culture, who lived in the Sego Canyon from 600 to 1250 AD, the Ute tribe (1300 to 1700) and the Tse Hane (means "rock that tells a story" in Navajo language), created by the Anasazi tribes.
I hope you will enjoy and appreciate my collection.

我对美国土著印第安人的艺术和他们几个世纪前创造的岩画非常着迷。犹他州的拱门国家公园(Arches National Park)保存了大量这样的岩画,最近我去了那里,向那些不知名的艺术家致敬,他们在峡谷的石墙上为我们留下了一些信息。
我挑选了一些航拍照片和一些岩画作为此次作品集的一个小样本,以展示落基山脉的美丽和弗里蒙特文化的艺术性,他们生活在塞戈峡谷(公元600年至1250年)、乌特部落(1300年至1700年)和由阿纳萨齐部落创造的“Tse Hane”(在纳瓦霍语中,意思是“讲述故事的岩石”)。

Sego Canyon 1-02 塞戈峡谷1-02

Sego Canyon Barrier Canyon Petroglyphs-02 塞戈峡谷屏障峡谷岩画-02

Sego Canyon Fremont Petroglyphs-01 塞戈峡谷弗里蒙特岩画-01

The Arch-01 拱门-01

The Bird-02 小鸟-02

The Cliff-01-1 悬崖-01-1

The Farm-01 农场-01

The Foothills-01 山麓-01

The Highway-01 公路-01

The Hoodoos-01 岩柱-01

The Knight-01 骑士-01

The Ledge.01 壁架-01

The Marker-01 标记-01

The Mountain Road-01 山路-01

The Ridge-01 山脊-01

The River-01 河流-01

The Suburb-01 郊区-01

The Town-02 小镇-02

The Ute Shaman-01 乌特萨满-01

Tse Hane Newspaper Rock-01 谢赫石头报-01







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