

分享 1842——赫歇尔-蓝晒法工艺
zhcvl 2019-8-21 09:41
Herschel – Cyanotype 赫歇尔-蓝晒法工艺 1842 – Introduction of the cyanotype process, also known as the blueprint process,by Sir John Herschel (1792 – 1871) a British astronomer who was trying to find a way of copying his notes. 1842——英国天文学家约翰·赫歇尔爵士 ...
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分享 1841——俯瞰水谷迪恩村的景色
zhcvl 2019-8-21 09:40
Dean Orphanage, Calotype ~View looking over Dean Village in the valley of the Water 迪恩孤儿院,卡罗式照相法-俯瞰水谷迪恩村的景色 1841 – The ‘Calotype’ (Greek for ‘beautiful picture’) process is patented by British scientist and inventor William Henry Fox Talbot (1 ...
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分享 佩兹瓦尔透镜设计
zhcvl 2019-8-21 09:40
Petzval lens design 佩兹瓦尔透镜设计 The first portrait lens is invented by Viennese mathematician Joseph Max Petzval (1807 – 1891), it takes circular pictures. 第一个人像镜头是维也纳数学家约瑟夫·马克斯·佩兹瓦尔(1807-1891)发明的,拍摄的是圆形照片。 未经 ...
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分享 希波利特·巴耶尔-溺水自尽者
zhcvl 2019-8-21 09:39
Hippolyte Bayard – Drowned. 希波利特•巴耶尔-溺水自尽者 Self portrait as a drowned man by Frenchman Hippolyte Bayard (1801 – 1887), who invented his own method to print direct positives on paper, lampoons the photographers eclipse by Daguerre. 发明了“直接正 ...
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分享 约翰·威廉·德雷珀博士-月亮
zhcvl 2019-8-21 09:38
Dr J W Draper – The Moon. 约翰•威廉•德雷珀博士-月亮 Probably the earliest moon shot is taken by the English born New York chemistry professor John William Draper (1811 – 1882). 纽约化学教授约翰·威廉·德雷珀(1811-1882)拍摄的这幅照片,可能是最早的月球 ...
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分享 1840年——达盖尔-艺术工作室
zhcvl 2019-8-21 09:37
Daguerre – L’Atelier de l’artiste. 达盖尔-艺术工作室 1840——Exposure time is reduced to half a minute, allowing nude models to pose as comfortably for a daguerreotype as a for a painting. 1840年——曝光时间减少到半分钟,允许在用达盖尔摄影法拍摄时,裸体模特的姿势可 ...
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分享 萨克斯顿-费城中央中学
zhcvl 2019-8-21 09:37
Saxton – Philadelphia Central High 萨克斯顿-费城中央中学 The arsenal and cupola of Philadelphia Central High are the subject of the oldest extant American photograph shot by the United States Mint official and inventor Joseph Saxton (1799 – 1873). 反映了费城中央中 ...
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分享 雅典卫城
zhcvl 2019-8-21 09:36
Pierre Gustave Joly de Lotbinière – The Acropolis Athens. 皮埃尔·古斯塔夫·加斯帕德·乔利·德·洛比尼·雷尔-雅典卫城 The Acropolis at Athens by the Swiss born Canadian Pierre Gustave Gaspard Joly de Lotbinière (1798 – 1865) is a typical early daguerreotype. Building ...
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分享 1839年——达盖尔-装置
zhcvl 2019-8-21 09:36
Daguerre – apparatus 达盖尔-装置 1839——Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre (1787 – 1851), French artist and photographer, publishes instructions immediately after the French government divulges details of the daguerreotype process. The 79 page manual is an instant hit. ...
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分享 1838年——惠斯通-立体镜
zhcvl 2019-8-21 09:35
Wheatstone – Stereoscope 惠斯通-立体镜 1838——invention of the stereoscope by an English scientist and inventor Sir Charles Wheatstone (1802 – 1875). 1838年——英国科学家和发明家查尔斯·惠斯通(1802 – 1875)发明了立体镜。 未经授权,不得转载! ...
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